Additional Settings

There are several configurable behaviors and adjustable settings within the main Settings view that offer deeper configuration choices to help you align the app with your workflow.

Accessing Settings

To access the general Settings view, navigate to the Home Icon and type “settings” then click Go to Settings—or you can click the Settings gear in the bottom-left corner of the default view.

Telemetry & Diagnostics

You can control whether or not Pieces collects crash data and anonymous usage information, which is used by the Pieces team to help fix bugs and improve the app.

To enable or disable Telemetry, all you have to do is check or uncheck the Tickbox to the right of the Telemetry setting.

Participating in telemetry helps Pieces evolve more effectively, but you can choose to opt out for greater privacy.

Notification Preferences

Avoid unnecessary interruptions by customizing how and when you receive in-app alerts.

You can select the Bell icon under Notifications to enable All, Critical, or None to determine how many—and what type—of notifications you receive.

Critical notifications are regarded primarily as errors and alerts—i.e., if PiecesOS is not detected (an edge case).

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