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Find download links for the Pieces Desktop App and links to OS-specific and method-specific installation guides.

Installing the Pieces Desktop App

Installation for the Pieces Desktop App and its core dependencies—PiecesOS and Ollama—is straightforward.

Select the appropriate download file for your platform (macOS/Windows) or follow the CLI installation instructions for Linux.

macOS users will be prompted to select the proper download file based on their device’s architecture—ARM or Intel.


Find the download files for the Pieces Desktop App for your macOS or Windows device below.


If you know your macOS device’s CPU architecture, select either the ARM or Intel buttons to download the Pieces Desktop App using the recommended installation method.

Read this guide on determining your CPU architecture if you need help.

For detailed instructions, refer to our comprehensive macOS installation and quick-start guide.

Otherwise, you can download Pieces software using alternative installation methods (.DMG, Homebrew).


Click the download button to install the Pieces Desktop App using the recommended installation method.

For detailed instructions, refer to our comprehensive Windows installation and quick-start guide.


Windows 10 (1809) or higher

If you want alternative installation methods (.MSIX, WinGet), click here.


Installation of Pieces software is done using the Command-Line Interface (CLI).

For a step-by-step terminal process using the CLI, refer to our comprehensive Linux installation and quick-start guide.

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