Workflow Activity

The Workflow Activity page in Pieces for Developers offers a chronological timeline of snippet events, showing when snippets are created, updated, deleted, or referenced.

The Workflow Activity view is currently live, but will soon be deprecated—stay tuned for more information, and don’t forget to check out the Updates & Upcoming view within the Pieces Desktop App.

Accessing Workflow Activity

You can open the Workflow Activity page in several ways.

One approach is through the Power Menu—click the Home icon next to the search bar in the Pieces Desktop App, then select Go to Workflow Activity.

You can also press ⌘+return (macOS) or ctrl+enter (Windows/Linux) to open the Power Menu, and choose Workflow Activity from the dropdown.

If you prefer a direct keyboard shortcut, use ⌘+shift+a (macOS) or ctrl+shift+a (Windows/Linux) to jump straight to the Workflow Activity page.

Main View

Once opened, you’ll see a timeline of chronological events as they relate to your Pieces Drive usage.

Each entry shows key details, such as the snippet name, the event type (created, updated, deleted, or referenced), and a timestamp.

A Show: (All) dropdown appears at the top, allowing you to filter using several events: created, updated, deleted, or referenced.

A Refresh button in the corner lets you reload the page to fetch the latest events, and a Back button returns you to the previous view.

Searching for Events

At the top of the page, a search bar labeled Find an Event enables you to quickly locate specific items in your timeline.

As you type a query, the list filters in real time, displaying only events that match your search.

Right-Side Panels

To the right of the main activity list, you’ll find two panels—Recent Searches and Top Materials.

Recent Searches

This panel shows your most recent event queries.

Hovering over a search term reveals options to Search in Global Search, Copy Query, or Remove the query from the list.

Clicking a recent search will also automatically initiate a global snippet search for that term.

Top Materials

Here, Pieces displays your most frequently used or highest-ranked snippets, measured by Productivity Points.

Each snippet is accompanied by an icon and a productivity score (e.g., 113 points). Hovering over the productivity score icon reveals the exact number of points.

Productivity Points

A small i icon near the Top Materials heading provides an explanation of how Productivity Points are calculated.

Pieces uses a heuristics-based system to determine how often and in what ways a snippet is used, with higher scores indicating saved code materials that may be particularly useful given the task at hand.

Opening Snippets

When you click on a snippet in Top Materials or in the main Workflow Activity list, Pieces immediately opens the Snippet View for that saved material.

Additionally, accessing any snippet triggers a new Referenced event in your timeline, confirming that you revisited or used that snippet.

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